Ibland kan vi tycka att det är besvärligt att dansa squaredans, när många långa call kommer efter varandra och vi ska hålla reda på dem. Ibland är det callern som kan ställa till det också. Kan du dansa följande call?


Heads start a left spin a windmill in and everyone roll and in the middle start a left split square chain thru but interrupt all the arm turns after every quarter with witchever you can either split circulate twice but trade the wave after each one or swing and mix and circle all the way and the outsides roll at the end but interrupt after every quarter with scoot and plenty but turn each star as many quarters as you’ve swung and mixed and circled but interrupt after the second scoot and plenty with ping pong circulate and interrupt again before the last scoot and plenty with all eight counter-rotate and interrupt each plenty after the star if your square has a David och a Paul in it with trade circulate twice but same sexes trade after each one.


Allemande left?

